Pheno loader

Class for loading datasets on the research platform



 PhenoLoader (dataset:str, base_path:str='nbs/examples/', cohort:str=None,
              age_sex_dataset:str='events', skip_dfs:List[str]=[],
              unique_index:bool=False, valid_dates:bool=False,
              valid_stage:bool=False, flexible_field_search:bool=False,
              squeeze:bool=False, errors:str='warn',

*Class to load multiple tables from a dataset and allows to easily access their fields.


dataset (str): The name of the dataset to load.
base_path (str, optional): The base path where the data is stored. Defaults to DATASETS_PATH.
cohort (str, optional): The name of the cohort within the dataset. Defaults to COHORT.
age_sex_dataset (str, optional): The name of the dataset to use for computing age and sex. Defaults to EVENTS_DATASET.
skip_dfs (list, optional): A list of tables (or substrings that match to tables) to skip when loading the data. Defaults to [].
unique_index (bool, optional): Whether to ensure the index of the data is unique. Defaults to False.
valid_dates (bool, optional): Whether to ensure that all timestamps in the data are valid dates. Defaults to False.
valid_stage (bool, optional): Whether to ensure that all research stages in the data are valid. Defaults to False.
flexible_field_search (bool, optional): Whether to allow regex field search. Defaults to False.
keep_undefined_research_stage (bool, optional): Whether to keep samples with undefined research stage. Defaults to False.
join_non_overlapping (bool, optional): Whether to join tables with non-overlapping indices. Defaults to False.
errors (str, optional): Whether to raise an error or issue a warning if missing data is encountered.
    Possible values are 'raise', 'warn' and 'ignore'. Defaults to ERROR_ACTION.


dict (pd.DataFrame): The data dictionary for the dataset, containing information about each field.
dfs (dict): A dictionary of dataframes, one for each table in the dataset.
fields (list): A list of all fields in the dataset.
dataset (str): The name of the dataset being used.
cohort (str): The name of the cohort being used.
base_path (str): The base path where the data is stored.
dataset_path (str): The full path to the dataset being used.
age_sex_dataset (str): The name of the dataset being used to compute age and sex.
skip_dfs (list): A list of tables to skip when loading the data.
unique_index (bool): Whether to ensure the index of the data is unique.
valid_dates (bool): Whether to ensure that all timestamps in the data are valid dates.
valid_stage (bool): Whether to ensure that all research stages in the data are valid.
flexible_field_search (bool): Whether to allow regex field search.
keep_undefined_research_stage (bool, optional): Whether to keep samples with undefined research stage.
join_non_overlapping (bool): Whether to join tables with non-overlapping indices.
errors (str): Whether to raise an error or issue a warning if missing data is encountered.
preferred_language (str): The preferred language for the questionnaires.*

Use the dataset name to load the dataset. It may contain multiple tables. Age / sex will be added to the data by default. The default base_path is set to work on the research platform.

pl = PhenoLoader('fundus', errors='warn')
PhenoLoader for fundus with
78 fields
2 tables: ['fundus', 'age_sex']

The PhenoLoader class contains several usefull attributes

The data dictionary of the dataset displays the description of each field.

field_string description_string parent_dataframe relative_location value_type units sampling_rate field_type array cohorts data_type debut pandas_dtype
fundus_image_left Fundus image (left) Fundus image (left) NaN fundus/fundus.parquet Text NaN NaN Image file (individual) Single 10K image 2021-02-17 string
fundus_image_right Fundus image (right) Fundus image (right) NaN fundus/fundus.parquet Text NaN NaN Image file (individual) Single 10K image 2021-02-17 string
collection_date Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD) Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD) NaN fundus/fundus.parquet Date Time NaN Data Single 10K tabular 2021-02-17 datetime64[ns]
dict_keys(['fundus', 'age_sex'])
import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame with MultiIndex
data = {
    'value': [10, 20, 30, 40]
tuples = [('A', 'x'), ('A', 'y'), ('B', 'x'), ('B', 'y')]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['outer', 'inner'])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)

# Reset the index
df_reset = df.reset_index()

# Re-add the desired index levels ('outer', 'inner' in this case) as index
df_final = df_reset.set_index(['outer', 'inner'])
fundus_image_left fundus_image_right collection_date fractal_dimension_left fractal_dimension_right artery_average_width_left artery_average_width_right artery_distance_tortuosity_left artery_distance_tortuosity_right artery_fractal_dimension_left ... vein_fractal_dimension_left vein_fractal_dimension_right vein_squared_curvature_tortuosity_left vein_squared_curvature_tortuosity_right vein_tortuosity_density_left vein_tortuosity_density_right vein_vessel_density_left vein_vessel_density_right vessel_density_left vessel_density_right
participant_id cohort research_stage array_index
0 10k 00_00_visit 0 /path/to/file /path/to/file 2022-11-16 1.564989 1.520885 18430.284751 19038.547771 3.668175 3.271147 1.355673 ... 1.410553 1.403108 14.208195 6.098432 0.700187 0.698546 0.046645 0.045864 0.080377 0.078671
1 10k 00_00_visit 0 /path/to/file /path/to/file 2022-06-30 1.542311 1.534158 17315.398780 19099.489575 2.095461 1.634782 1.368933 ... 1.387527 1.332864 8.999069 8.702682 0.740806 0.708911 0.037896 0.046853 0.074197 0.064578
2 10k 00_00_visit 0 /path/to/file /path/to/file 2021-10-05 1.482051 1.545097 15375.866993 19855.576862 2.776472 2.747015 1.360404 ... 1.411881 1.408791 13.119227 9.936669 0.627281 0.675100 0.053022 0.048063 0.079515 0.082102

3 rows × 76 columns

All availbale fields (columns) in all tables can be listed.

participant_id cohort research_stage array_index
0 10k 00_00_visit 0 18436.428634
1 10k 00_00_visit 0 18888.160314
2 10k 00_00_visit 0 19013.865043
3 10k 00_00_visit 0 18809.012493
4 10k 00_00_visit 0 19428.986690

Access any of the fields (e.g., vein_average_width_right, age) or indices (e.g., research_stage) from any of the tables via the data loader API.

pl[['research_stage', 'vein_average_width_right', 'age', 'sex']]
research_stage vein_average_width_right age sex
participant_id cohort research_stage array_index
0 10k 00_00_visit 0 00_00_visit 18436.428634 43.5 0
1 10k 00_00_visit 0 00_00_visit 18888.160314 53.7 1
2 10k 00_00_visit 0 00_00_visit 19013.865043 26.2 0
3 10k 00_00_visit 0 00_00_visit 18809.012493 44.6 1
4 10k 00_00_visit 0 00_00_visit 19428.986690 50.3 0

Access time series or bulk data that is stored separately for each sample via the data loader API. In the following example, the data loader retrieves the relative path of each sample’s bulk file from the main table (where it is stored in the field fundus_image_left), converts it to an absolute path, and loads the file. This is repeated for 2 samples and returned as a list. In the case of parquet DataFrames, there is no need to define the load_func and multiple DFs are concatenated by deafult.

participant_id  cohort  research_stage  array_index
0               10k     00_00_visit     0              /path/to/file
1               10k     00_00_visit     0              /path/to/file
2               10k     00_00_visit     0              /path/to/file
3               10k     00_00_visit     0              /path/to/file
4               10k     00_00_visit     0              /path/to/file
Name: fundus_image_left, dtype: object
pl.load_bulk_data('fundus_image_left', participant_id=[0, 1])

You can perform flexible field search (with regex support), when initializing the PhenoLoader as follows:

pl = PhenoLoader('fundus', flexible_field_search=True)

For example, the following command will search for any field starting with “fractal”.

fractal_dimension_left fractal_dimension_right
participant_id cohort research_stage array_index
0 10k 00_00_visit 0 1.564989 1.520885
1 10k 00_00_visit 0 1.542311 1.534158
2 10k 00_00_visit 0 1.482051 1.545097
3 10k 00_00_visit 0 1.548773 1.539352
4 10k 00_00_visit 0 1.554922 1.557029

You can summarize a field or set of fields by the following command

pl.describe_field(['fundus_image_right', 'collection_date'])
fundus_image_right collection_date
field_string Fundus image (right) Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD)
description_string Fundus image (right) Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD)
parent_dataframe NaN NaN
relative_location fundus/fundus.parquet fundus/fundus.parquet
value_type Text Date
units NaN Time
sampling_rate NaN NaN
field_type Image file (individual) Data
array Single Single
cohorts 10K 10K
data_type image tabular
debut 2021-02-17 2021-02-17
pandas_dtype string datetime64[ns]
count 5 5
unique 1 5
most_frequent /path/to/file NaN
min NaN 2021-10-05 00:00:00
max NaN 2022-11-16 00:00:00
mean NaN NaN
median NaN NaN
std NaN NaN